Holiday Marketing Strategy And Your Business

So holidays were great, your business did superb, you made good money, good number of customers and now you just can’t wait for another holiday.

Because you know holidays bring joy, money, customers, but the thing is, not every day is a holiday and so you have to wait almost a whole year.

The Idea !!!

How about you plan your own little holiday and reap all the benefits, hmm? What you think? Like making a Sunday more special for your customers, bringing in some fun, some holiday feel and reaping all the holiday benefits?!

So how about you plan a holiday in coming couple of weeks, how about planning a holiday once every month or once every two months ? Imagine the benefits, imagine the brand awareness you will get ? Imagine the number of new people would know your business, the relationships you will foster ?!!

But Wait!

It’s not that easy!


Yes you need full time planning, at least planing a full month before the holiday, plan what would make it a big hit, what made the previous holiday marketing strategy a success ? How can you coordinate and embed the previous holiday marketing strategy success elements in this one and how would it bring that festivity, that “holiday fun” along with that good money ?!

Carefully plan each and every element, try to accommodate all those elements that worked in previous holiday marketing strategies.

Be open to suggestions

Talk to your loyal customers, your employees, what would they like to have, prefer in this  holiday marketing strategy. Take all the suggestions, evaluate them and if they make sense, if they seem reasonable, go with it, you never know what may make the whole holiday more festive, more fun, more helpful for your business, so listening to your employees/customers is a must thing.

And Couple of Big Benefits

Skills & Competitive  Advantage

And after several holidays you will have those “unique skills/expertise” of “holiday and business” that will set your business apart from others. And that’s what leads to competitive advantage, “being far better at something than the rest”.

Customer Friendly

Your business would be considered by your customers more welcoming, fun compared to your competitors. Isn’t that what you want ? Having friendly, candid customers ?! And yeah they will advocate about your brand, the WOM thing I mean.

And according to Nielsen, 92% of consumers believe recommendations (WOM or word of mouth) from friends and family over all forms of advertising.

That’s it, so when are you going to plan next holiday, share your ideas and thoughts, also let me know what else would make this approach more reasonable, beneficial for small business owners.

One more thing, don't forget to subscribe!

About Publisher Arshad Amin

Certified SEO Professional, Small Business, Start-up, Marketing Expert with ton's of practical, actionable ideas, insights to share, Proud Founder and Owner of and

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