An Honest Review of GISMA Business School in Berlin!

Hi there everyone, I was asked to review GISMA Business School in Berlin, so I looked up various things about it to give you guys an honest review.


Keep in mind this is my opinion and I could be either right or wrong, its up-to you guys to decide, if you think there is something I am missing here or you want to share your own thoughts please leave it out in comments down below.


GISMA Business School is a super fancy place that offers a boatload of business programs to students from all over the world. 

It's right in the heart of Berlin, so you can probably hear techno music blaring from the clubs nearby while you're in class (winks). 

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The school prides itself on combining academic rigor with real-world experience, which I guess means you'll be learning how to run a business while simultaneously running a lemonade stand!


One of the school's big selling points is its diverse student body. With over 60 different nationalities represented, it's like a mini United Nations. 

If you've ever dreamed of making friends with people from every corner of the globe, then GISMA is the place for you. 

And who knows, you might even learn some new curse words in languages you never knew existed.

The Faculty:

The faculty at GISMA is pretty impressive too. 

These are not your run-of-the-mill professors. 

They're experienced professionals who have actually worked in the business world, so they know what they're talking about. 

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Forget boring lectures about theory and concepts – at GISMA, you'll get practical advice that you can use in the real world. 

Plus, with their wealth of experience, they can probably tell you some pretty great stories about the time they accidentally emailed something stupid to their boss!

Post GISMA Employment:

GISMA is also really good at helping students find jobs. 

According to their website, almost 80% of graduates land employment within six months of graduation. 

That's pretty impressive considering how tough the job market is these days. 

Of course, there's no guarantee that you'll land your dream job right away, but at least you won't have to move back in with your parents after graduation.

If you're interested in internships or working for top companies, then GISMA is the place for you. 

They have partnerships with some of the world's leading companies, which means you'll have access to some pretty sweet opportunities. 

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And who knows, maybe you'll be the one to come up with the next big idea for a startup.

Becoming Your Own Boss!:

GISMA is also really big on innovation and entrepreneurship. 

They have an entire center dedicated to helping students launch their own businesses. 

So if you've got a great idea for the next big thing, they'll give you all the tools you need to get started. 

Just don't forget to cut them a check when you make your first million.

GISMA Look & Feel!:

The campus itself is pretty nice too. It's not the biggest, but it's modern and well-equipped. 

They've got a library, a student lounge, and a cafeteria, which means you won't have to survive on ramen and Red Bull for four years. 

Plus, with Berlin right outside your door, there's always something fun to do when you're not hitting the books.

Of course, GISMA is not perfect. 

The campus is a bit small, so it might get a little cramped at times. 

But let's be real, you're not going to school to play football on a massive field. 

You're there to learn how to run a business and make some connections. 

And if you can do that while bumping shoulders with other ambitious students, then all the better.

In terms of programs, GISMA has a lot to choose from.

GISMA Offers:

They've got undergraduate, graduate, and executive education programs, so you can find something that fits your needs. 

They've even got an Executive MBA, which sounds super fancy and important.

In a nutshell, GISMA Business School is a top-notch institution that can help you achieve your dreams of becoming a business mastermind. 

The faculty is amazing, the student body is diverse, and the post-graduation outcomes are impressive. 

Plus, if you're looking to start your own business, they've got you covered. 

So if you're considering applying, go for it! 

GISMA in a Nutshell:

Finally, don't get me wrong, GISMA is a serious business school, but it's not all work and no play. 

The school has a lively social scene, with plenty of opportunities for students to connect and have fun outside of the classroom. 

From sports clubs to cultural events to parties, there's always something happening at GISMA.

But let's get back to the serious stuff. One of the things that really sets GISMA apart is its commitment to providing a truly international education. 

With over 60 nationalities represented among the student body, this is a place where you'll be exposed to a wide range of perspectives and ideas. 

Like I said before its like the United Nations, a UN but with less bureaucracy and more focus on business.

And if you're worried about whether you'll be able to find a job after graduation, let me put your mind at ease. 

According to GISMA's website, 80% of graduates secure employment within six months of graduation. 

That's a pretty impressive figure, especially in today's job market. 

So if you're ready to take your business education to the next level, consider applying to GISMA. 

With its exceptional faculty, diverse student body, and impressive outcomes, this is a school that can help you achieve your career goals. 

Plus, you'll get to experience all the fun and excitement that Berlin has to offer. 

What more could you ask for?

That's it, over to you guys, for more on business ideas, marketing etc please check out my website.

About Publisher Arshad Amin

Certified SEO Professional, Small Business, Start-up, Marketing Expert with ton's of practical, actionable ideas, insights to share, Proud Founder and Owner of and

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