What Does Price Mean To The Customer ?
Good question and I would say the answer depends on
the customer, to some it suggest product quality, to others it would mean lower
quality etc in a nutshell it varies from one group of customers to another. I
have done my own little research on the question and I got different answers.
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G.E. and Baron, P.H. (1977), “Effects of price and advertising in test market
experiments,” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 14, November, pp. 499-508
I have mentioned those answers down below, I believe
these answers would compel marketing lovers to look deeper into price, its
influence on market, business, why does it carries different meaning to
different customers etc.
And to know better, to understand further the underlying
reasons, like why price meaning differ from one group of customer to another, I would
recommend my readers to read the articles, sources given at the end of this
article (in references).
Price & Customer
Quality Indicator
The higher the price the higher the quality, it might
sound a little weird but if a customer has no idea about the brand, then in
that particular case price-quality approach is the right approach for the
customers to assess product/service quality. (1)(2)
Price Discount & Quality
According to
another study, people consider the product/service discount in inverse relation
to quality, the higher the discount the lower the quality and vice versa. (3)
Price & Customer Loyalty/Satisfaction
Study has shown that if customers perceive price to be
fair, reasonable then in that case it will improve customer loyalty and
satisfaction and vice versa. (4)
In other words the fairer
the price the more loyal and satisfied the customer will be.
You may also like to read How To Set The Right Price
Symbol of Sacrifice & Expectation
Price paid is a symbol of sacrifice that a customer
makes when paying for specific product/service. In other words money spent in
buying one product is no longer available to spend for anything else the
customer desire. (5)
And perhaps for that very sacrifice customer expect
a lot from the product/service, brand (especially if the price paid is significant).
Price & Customer Involvement
Study has shown that price can improve/increase
customer involvement in your product/service. In other words the higher the
price the more important the product/service becomes which pushes customer to
get more information, understanding of the product/service. (6)
Price & Customer Attraction
Price (particularly lower price) is remembered by
the customers and can thus work as customer magnet, driving more customers (price
oriented customers) to your business.
Price Anchoring & Buying Decisions
Prince anchoring (anchoring (7)) occurs when
customers use first price (provided by the seller) of a given product/service
as a standard from where they negotiate or bargain for what they think is the
reasonable, fair price for that particular product/service.
For instance a price told by a seller of a
particular product/service to a customer is $450, the customer consider that
price (as standard) and then quote their own price (for instance $380) for that
particular product/service that he/she is willing to pay (Buying Decision).
You may also like to read How To Price Luxury Items
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2. Lichtenstein, D.R., Ridgway, N.M. and Netemeyer, R.G. (1993). Price perceptions and consumer shopping behavior: a field study. Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 30 No. 2, pp. 234-45.
3. Madan, V. And Suri, R. (2001). Quality perception and monetary sacrifice: a comparative analysis of discount and fixed prices. Journal of Product and Brand Management, Vol. 10 No.3, pp170-82.
4. Martin-Consuegra, D., Molina, A. and Esteban, A. (2007), “An integrated model of price, satisfaction, and loyalty: an empirical analysis in the service sector”, Journal of Product and Brand Management, Vol. 16 No. 7, pp. 459-468.
5. Bass, F.M. (1980), “Some case histories of econometric modeling in marketing: what really happened?,” Interfaces, February.
6. Kuang-Jung Chen, (1997),"The Filipino "tingui" retailing approach and cigarette price increase", Pricing Strategy and Practice, Vol. 5 Iss: 4 pp. 148 – 155.
7. Tversky, A. & Kahneman, D. (1974). "Judgment under uncertainty: Heuristics and biases". Science, 185, 1124–1130.
TAGS Customer Retention Customers/Consumers Editor Choice Organization Retail business Small Business
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