B2B Direct Marketing: How To Convince Your Target Business Effectively!

b2b marketing
I won’t go into details of why direct marketing in b2b makes more sense as most of you guys who are reading this probably know that already.

So let’s move to the main purpose of this article, “How to convince your target business effectively”, well it’s easy, yeah easy! if you know how to do it the right way and if you don’t well I am going to share my approach that would help you to do it the right way, hopefully.

To convince your target business, to cut a deal, you need two things.

1.      Right Message
2.      Right Offer

Right Message (Step One)

You can design, produce, create the right message with the help of your 

  • Marketing Executives
  • Communications Executives
  • Chief Communications Officer
  • PR Officers

These guys would surely help you in making designing some really “cool” messages.

Target Business Sample Testing (Step Two)

Now you need to test those messages, to see if they really work, really worth the effort, if the target business would respond positively to any of those messages.

You can do all that with the help of your marketing executives, Market Researchers.
Remember: The larger the samples size the better.

A little fact: Companies across the globe invest about $33.5 billion in market research.(1)

Determine and Select (Step Three)

Now with the help of all these guys, Marketing Executives, PR Executives/Officers, Market Researchers etc you need to determine and select the best messages that would surely deliver.
That means identifying and selecting the right message/messages.

Once you do that you have done the first part of “How to convince your target business” effectively.
Let’s move to the second part

Right Offer (Step One)

You can design the right offer by utilizing your marketing executives, sales team etc effectively.

Target Business Sample Testing (Step Two)

Now you need to test those offers, to see if they really work, really worth the effort, if the target business would respond positively to any of those offers.

You can do all that with the help of your marketing executives, Market Researchers.
Remember: The larger the samples size the better.

Determine and Select (Step Three)

I don’t want to paste that here again ;p, this step is similar to part first, step three.
Now you have done the second part effectively too.

So what’s the next step ?!!!

The Final Step

Launch your direct marketing campaign and hopefully you would convince a lot more!
That’s it, Now I want to hear from you guys!


1.      http://www.marketingpower.com/ResourceLibrary/MarketingResearch/Pages/Mkt%20Insights%202013/Winter/curation-consumer-insight-market-research-roi.aspx

About Publisher Arshad Amin

Certified SEO Professional, Small Business, Start-up, Marketing Expert with ton's of practical, actionable ideas, insights to share, Proud Founder and Owner of www.easymarketinga2z.com and www.topexpertsa2z.com

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